
what is Citric Acid Anhydrous?

Citric Acid Anhydrous , formula C6H8O7, is a colorless, translucent crystals or white granules or white crystalline powder , often containing one molecule of water of crystallization , odorless, very sour taste , soluble in water, alcohol and ether. Suitable crystallization temperature control obtained anhydrous citric acid . Acidic aqueous solution. In dry air, slight weathering , deliquescence in moist air . Mainly for the food and beverage industry as a sour agent , acidity regulator, flavoring agents and preservatives , preservative . Also the chemical industry, cosmetics industry and the industry as a washing antioxidants, plasticizers , detergents.
Colorless transparent crystals or white particles, or white crystalline powder, often contain molecular crystal water, odourless, taste very acid, soluble in water, alcohol and ether. The calcium salt easy dissolve in cold water than hot water, and the properties of commonly used to identify and separate citric acid. Crystallization in control the temperature of the appropriate anhydrous citric acid can be obtained. Acidic aqueous solution. Micro have to weathering in dry air, deliquescence in moist air. More than 175 decomposition release water and carbon dioxide.
Physical and chemical properties: the relative density 1.542, melting point 153 (water), the refractive index of 1.493 ~ 1.509, the solution crystallization critical temperature 36.6 , 36.6 above crystallization of anhydrous citric acid, crystallization of citric acid monohydrate) below 36.6 .
Mainly used for food and beverage industry as sour agent, acidity regulator, flavouring agent, preservative and antistaling agent. Also in the chemical industry, cosmetics industry and washing industry used as antioxidant, plasticizer and detergent
Avoid light, sealed, dry place storage
About us
   SINOCHEM NANJING is a diversified large-scale group company, mainly focusing on manufacturing, research and development of new products, and currently, its business has expanded to the fields of Industry Chemicals, Food additives & Feed Additive, etc.

